Friday 18 May 2012

Week-12 Presentation

Finally week for Game Design and Technology and we presented our game to the whole class. It was wonderful time in developing this playable game prototype.

It was fun to see everyone's game, especially when playing their game and we played our friends game Battle Royal and it was quite interesting game.

Below is one of our group member with our friend, just before they start playing our game. They mentioned our game is really interesting and eager to play once again.


Later we played their game and that was one of the best time we had during the play testing. We were four people playing the game and unfortunately i was the first one to came out of the group because i lose.

 This Subject was really fun and entertaining plus we got a good understanding about the game design and how to design a game from scratch.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Game Design Week-11 Workshop

Prototype Development

We selected iOS platform to develop our prototype of game. We planned to implement touch based feature for the player to interact with the playable prototype.

The above screen is the Achievements that the player can achieve by playing best in the game.

The instructions for the player to understand about the game and its goal. This instruction menu gives the player a brief understand about the game goal.

This is the second instructions menu, which displays all the items and objects that involve in the game. Player can view this instructions before begin the game and that gives the player a good understanding about the game objects.

This is the option menu which allows the players to customize their playing options, such sound effects and background music whether to be played or mute the sound. Even special options like shake your iPad to restart.

Over all we improved the game story, concept and achievements items and some graphical designs.