Sunday 25 March 2012

Adventure Game

Adventure Game

In this game the player will be identified by a small square box and the player can move around by  using arrow keys. The player needs to find the Enchanted Chalice which is hidden somewhere in the Kingdom. 

The obstacles which stops the player to go to find the Chalice is three different dragons. Each dragon got different characteristics. 

The player also gets lost in the confused maze while searching for the Chalice. The player will get magnet and keys while playing which he can use to escape from the dragon.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Deadly Race Game - Territorial Update

A funny, challenging and attractive board racing game that will take your relax time to the max.

Game Rules

  • Players will be played on a map, whoever completes 6 laps, or last man standing wins (when players loses all life, they are forfeited). 

  • The game can be played as free for all or a 2 v 2
  • Maximum numbers of upgrades are 2 of each except “Chance” which is 5(life). 
  • There is a limited of 4 players to ensure the fun of the game.
  • Each player rolls dice to race, the rolled come-out point of the dice will determine how far the player can move.
  • Each player rolls once then moving next to another player until everyone rolls once. After that, starts over again.
  • All players has a starting of 5 lives, more lives can be obtain via upgrades.
  • There are a lot of traps/gifts on the map that may be able to be placed to prevent other players from moving ahead.
  • Upon passing an upgrade point players are entitled to and upgrade option.
  • Upon landing on a repair shop, players are too entitled to 1 trap, if player lands on repair after rolling a 6, he is entitled to 2 traps.
  • Traps can be placed only where player is currently on an clear space, traps cannot be placed on another allies trap or safe points(such as upgrade point, repair shops and green light).
  • There are 4 types of terrain on the map: normal, desert, icy and slippery. Each type of terrain has its own characteristic that might prevent players from moving ahead.

Traps Types that are controlled by players
  • Fire: Players car is burnt and loses a Chance.

  • Oil: Next turn the car’s moving is calculated by the rolled come-out number of dice minus 1

  • Animal: Prevents cars from moving one turn.

  • Road bandit: player loses one upgrade from the choice of another player.

Green Light: Player landing on this get a chance to roll again.

Upgrade Point: Players gets to chance an upgrade option for themselves.

Repair Shops: upon your car getting into an accident, cars are returned to last passed repair shop, upon return to it frm accident players are not entitled to traps, traps are entitled only upon landing on it by rolling a dice, when landing on this after rolling a 6, players are entitled to 2 traps.

Terrain Types
  • Normal: There is no special characteristic for this type.
  • Desert: Once you enter this terrain, if your car do not move faster than 3, it will be burnt and take back to the beginning of the stage.
  • Slippery: Once you enter this terrain, if your car does not move slower than 5, it is crashed and prevented from moving next turn.
  • Icy: Once you enter this terrain, if your car does not move slower than 4, it is crashed and prevented from moving next turn.

Upgrade Options
  • Speed Up: Allows cars to move two more steps in desert terrain.
  • Control: Allows cars to move slower two steps in icy and slippery terrain.
  • Accident avoidance: Allows cars to ignore one trap.
  • Chance: Gives a player one more life.

Key points
  • The multiple types of traps/gifts, terrains and upgrade options give players a really funny and challenging game. They require players to think deeply before doing any upgrades because of the characteristics of the terrain, the population of the traps.
  • The challenge is not too easy because it requires careful upgrades and unpredictable luck when rolling your dice.
  • The game is designed for players to enjoy the racing games in a different way. It is complex enough to challenge the players but it is also funny to keep them engage in the game.

Donkey Kong - 80's Game Review

Donkey Kong is really fun 80's game with easy interactive keys to play. The concept of the game is the player who is called mario will be climbing the later to get his love from the giant ape which took from mario. 

The concept is to climb but it differs according to how far you can climb. Initially the first stage is you can climb up to 25m and get his love. 

The challenge is when ever the player climb through the ladder he gets obstacles from the giant ape by throwing the heavy items on the player. So what the player can do hide from the way where obstacles comes or jump through those heavy items to avoid hurt and lose one lifetime. 

The narrative is not a lot but simple in sense that the girl will be screaming on top of the ladder by calling for help and the player have to save help by climbing all the way to the top of the ladder by avoiding all the traps.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Design Studio - Deadly Race

A funny, challenging and attractive board racing game that will take your relax time to the max.

Game Rules

1. Players will be played on a map, who reach the target first will be the only winner(Player may decide to start at either side as long as the make it to the opposite Start/Finish) .

2. There is a limited of 4 players to ensure the fun of the game.

3. Each player rolls dice to race, the rolled come-out point of the dice will determine how far the player can move.

4. Each player rolls once then moving next to another player until everyone rolls once. After that, starts over again.

5. There are upgrade points that player will come across while playing the game, when this point has been passed or landed upon, players get to choose 1 out of 3 upgrade possibilities.(Max amount of upgrade for each type is 2).

6. There are a lot of traps/gifts on the map that may prevent players from moving ahead.

7. There are 4 types of terrain on the map that has been outlined with colored borders: normal(Black), desert(Orange), icy(Teal) and slippery(Blue). Each type of terrain has its own characteristic that might prevent players from moving ahead.

Trap/Gift Types
  • Road Fire: Your tire has been destroyed by road fire, forces player’s car to be towed back to the last auto repair that has been passed.
  • Oil Spillage: Player force to make a complete stop due to oil spilled all over the road costing him/her next dice roll to be reduce by 1.

  • Animal Crossing: Lose a turn while waiting for animal to finish crossing.

  • Road Bandits: Bandit has caught you within their zone. Player loses one upgrade(Type of upgrade lost is decided by player beside).

  • Checkpoint/Repair, upon certain accident you are force to be sent to the last checkpoint/repair that’s has been passed.

  • Green Traffic Light: Traffic is on your side, roll the dice again.

Terrain Types
  • Normal: There is no special characteristic for this type.
  • Desert: Once you enter this terrain, if your car do not move faster than 3, it will be burnt and take back to the beginning of the stage.
  • Slippery: Once you enter this terrain, if player’s car does not move slower than 5, it is crashed and prevented from moving next turn.
  • Icy: Once you enter this terrain, if player’s car does not move slower than 4(going onto, while on and getting off), player’s car is forced into an accident preventing from moving next turn.

Upgrade Options
  • Speed Up: Allows cars to move two more steps in desert terrain.
  • Control: Allows cars to move slower two steps in icy and slippery terrain.
  • Lucky Charm: Allows cars to ignore one trap/ Accident.

Key points
  • The multiple types of traps/gifts, terrains and upgrade options give players a really funny and challenging game. They require players to think deeply before doing any upgrades because of the characteristics of the terrain, the population of the traps.
  • The challenge is not too easy because it requires careful upgrades and unpredictable luck when rolling your dice.
  • The game is designed for players to enjoy the racing games in a different way. It is complex enough to challenge the players but it is also funny to keep them engage in the game.

Pong Game Review

Pong is one of the first video games, this game is similar to tennis game which got two paddles and a ball. The ultimate goal is to defeat the opponent by being the first one to gain 10 points. The game was originally developed by Allan Alcorn and released in 1972 by Atari Corporations.

In Pong game the game mechanic is hitting the ball again and again without missing until winning. If we miss the ball without hitting, it is a point for opponent.

The overall concept of this game is, who gets the 10 point first and he is the winner. It is like playing the tennis the game both the player should hit ball without missing it in their side.

The outcome of the game is winning the game be being the first player to get 10 points and defeating the opponent. Pong game basically is to hit the ball with the paddle on player side and not allowing the ball to pass the paddle. If it pass the paddle the ball is missed and outcome of missing the ball is point for the opponent. 

The designed is easy and does not look complicate. But while playing the game when the ball hit again and again, the speed of returning the ball is fast and that makes the player to move the paddle faster according to the ball. So this interactive method is fun and interesting and that makes the game challenging to player. 

There is no story involved in Pong Game, since its only playing way to hit the ball without missing.
Concept is the most important part because the game with very good concept but simple interactive still will be acceptable by the game players and it is fun. Rather than the game with good interactive but not interesting concept will discourage the players to play the game.